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With the organization of "Nargis" Fund, iftar tents were set up in Lankaran

With the organization of "Nargis" Fund, iftar tents were set up in Lankaran

In connection with the holy month of Ramadan, "Nargis" Fund has set up iftar tents in the city of Lankaran.

Residents of Lankaran and surrounding settlements enjoyed various dishes at the iftar table that lasted from April 2-4. Every day for three days, guests were served a high-quality iftar menu consisting of dry food, pilaf, dovga, fresh fruits and vegetables, soft drinks, samovar tea, gogal, badambura, cookies, and keta.

Hundreds of people were guests of the iftar table during the campaign carried out by the fund.

It should be noted that the "Iftar Tents" project by "Nargis" Fund has been held in the month of Ramadan since 2019. Within the framework of the project, guests come together and share the joy of iftar together in five oriental-style tents specially designed for people's comfort.

This year's project was carried out with the sponsorship of "R Group Holding", "Coca-Cola", "Baku International Sea Trade Port", "Unibank" and Natig Heydarov personally, with the organizational support of Lankaran City Executive Authority and Azerbaijan State Advertising Agency.



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