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Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan supports the event organized on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day!

Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan supports the event organized on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day!

Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan, which always attracts attention with its commitment to the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, this time supported the event organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkiye in Ganja and with participation of Ganja City Executive Authority. The event was organized for children of martyrs and veterans, as well as orphans.

In the event traditionally organized every year, talented students of Ganja Children's Art School, Ganja State Philharmonic, Ganja Children's Home, Fikret Amirov Children's Music School No. 1, Goygol District Music School named after Ashiq Shamshir showed interesting performances.

With support of the bank, all the children who participated in the event were presented with gifts by the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkiye in Ganja.

It should be noted that "Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan" OJSC is a part of the "Ziraat Financial Group", which belongs to the Republic of Turkiye and has a 160-year history, and operates on the basis of license number 255 dated 30.12.2014 issued by the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan.



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