Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan implemented the "Bankers of the Future" project for children
Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan implemented the "Bankers of the Future" project in connection with the International Children's Day within the framework of its corporate social responsibility strategy. The purpose of the event was to increase financial literacy among children and teenagers, to familiarize them with the specialties in the fields of interest related to finance. Within the framework of the project, children of all employees of Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan were guests at the head office. During the excursion in the bank, the children first got to know the concept of the bank and work of the departments operating in the bank. Employees working in different structural units gave children detailed information about their specialties and services they provide. During the excursion in the operations department, working principle of bank cards and ATMs was clearly explained to the children.
An entertainment program for children was also organized within the project. During the program, in addition to relaxing the children, a show of experiments organized by experts was shown in order to increase their interest in science. At the end, the bank presented souvenirs to the children who participated in the event.
Source of the news: https://apa.az/maliyye/ziraat-bank-azeraycan-usaqlar-ucun-geleceyin-bankirleri-layihesini-kecirib-video-846551