"InnoCamp - innovation camp of ASAN volunteers" was conducted

From July 11 to 13, "InnoCamp - innovation camp of ASAN volunteers" was organized by "ASAN Volunteers" Organization and with the support of "Qala Insurance" OJSC. The project is dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the State Agency for Citizen Service and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
According to the information provided by the public relations department of the State Agency, the event held in the city of Lankaran, which is the "Youth Capital" of 2024, included 55 innovation-oriented young people.
The main goal is to promote creativity and innovation, to raise the level of awareness of young people who are interested in professions of digital era. Also, the proper promotion of this field among young people and training of educated specialists are the main goals.
On the first day, participants participated in training sessions on "Idea generation" and "Artificial intelligence technologies and tools", followed by an excursion to a tea plantation.
The next day, an eco-bag master class, training on design thinking methodology and presentation skills, as well as an innovation-oriented intellectual competition were organized.
On the last day of the project, the participants presented their innovative solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics to the jury.
Participants were awarded with certificates and other gifts.
It should also be noted that the project is supported by ASAN Innovative Development Center, Khazar Palace Hotel & Restaurant, "FULL" soft drink, "Özünü Yarat Ebru art center" LLC, "Qanun" publishing house, and media supporters are ASAN Radio and ASAN TV.
Source of the news: https://azertag.az/xeber/innocamp___asan_konullulerinin_innovasiya_dusergesi_heyata_kechirilib-3097522