"Dashkasan Demir Filiz" LLC held a support campaign within the CSR policy

Materials obtained from demolition of useless buildings on the territory of "Dashkasan Demir Filiz" Limited Liability Company (DDF LLC), which operates for the purpose of managing the region's largest iron ore deposit complex, located in Dashkasan region, were distributed to those in need.
Thus, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee operating under the Company within the framework of the social responsibility policy, on the basis of the list compiled by Dashkasan Region Executive Authority, provided various construction materials, including sawdust, roofing materials, timber, windows, sand and gravel, to members of martyrs' families, veterans and low-income families living in Dashkasan city, Upper Dashkasan settlement, Kamargayali and Bayan villages. It is planned to continue the distribution of building materials to those in need.
It should be noted that the CSR Committee of DDF LLC will manage social responsibility measures, protect the environment, and determine the priorities of cooperation with the local population during production activities carried out and planned by the Company until the end of the current year, as well as for the year 2024. With the transition of the LLC's activity to the active phase in the coming years, it is planned to expand the scope and directions of projects to be implemented by the CSR Committee.
Source of the news: https://www.faktinfo.az/news/daskesen-demir-filiz-mmc-ksm-siyaseti-cercivesinde-yardim-aksiyasi-kecirib-fotolar