"Azercell" started the "Book Club" project on International Children's Day

An event organized by "Azercell Telekom" LLC, with the support of "Hopeful Future" Social Initiatives Public Union and "S.E.N.S.U.M by Amapola" company, was held for a group of 6-10-year-old children educated in orphanage No. 3 social service institution. The project implemented on the occasion of June 1 - World Children's Day was remembered with a special program aimed at creating a reading culture, developing speech and creativity, and increasing enthusiasm for education in general.
Thus, the children got acquainted with the works of Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli's "Aziz" and Ali Valiyev's "Eyvaz's Writing" at the presentation of Fateh, the host of Public Television and Radio, the special guest of the event. Educational games for children were also organized at the meeting. Gifts were distributed by "Azercell" both to the children who participated in the event and to other children living in the mentioned institution. Audiobooks are also uploaded to "Bookmate" and "Litres" programs.
It should be noted that "Azercell", which attaches special importance to initiatives and projects aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage, plans to implement a series of events within the "Book Club" project. Events will be organized for both adults and children, covering audiences of different age categories. Children's homes operating in the regions will be visited as part of the project.
Source of the news: https://oxu.az/reklam/azercell-usaqlarin-beynelxalq-mudafiesi-gununde-kitab-klubu-layihesine-basladi