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A volleyball tournament was held among school girls in Dashkasan

A volleyball tournament was held among school girls in Dashkasan

A volleyball tournament between school teams of girls was held in Dashkasan region under the organization of "AzerGold" Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) and its subsidiary company - "Dashkasan Demir Filiz" Limited Liability Company (LLC).

6 school teams competed in the tournament organized with the support of the Dashkasan Region Executive Power, State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Affairs, Ganja-Dashkasan Regional Youth and Sports Department of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Ganja-Dashkasan Regional Education Department of the Ministry of Science and Education.

In the final game, the team of Dashkasan city, secondary school No. 1 named after Imadaddin Nasimi won first place. The 2nd and 3rd places in the competition were taken by the volleyball teams of Dashkasan city, secondary school No. 2 named after Anar Mursalov and Ashaghi Dashkasan settlement secondary school named after Gunduz Ismayilov.

The winning school teams, as well as the winning student in the "Best player" nomination, and the judges who managed the tournament were awarded. Cups, medals and diplomas were presented to the winners.

It should be noted that such events, traditionally organized by "AzerGold" CJSC and "Dashkasan Demir Filiz" LLC within the framework of corporate social responsibility activities, are aimed at the development of sports in the region, physical education of teenagers and young people, and increasing the efficiency of their leisure time.



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