PASHA Bank held an international conference called "The Role of Women in Sustainable Development of Economy and Society"

On March 5, the leading financial institution of Azerbaijan "PASHA Bank" held an international conference called "The Role of Women in the Sustainable Development of Economy and Society" in the capital of our country. The "Women in Tech" organization and the United Nations (UN) Development Program representative offices in Azerbaijan acted as partners of the event.
Representatives of the Milli Majlis, Ministry of Economy, UN Development Program (UNDP) and UN Global Compact in Azerbaijan, World Bank, "PASHA Bank" and other institutions, who were invited to the conference dedicated to the International Women's Day, discussed the protection of gender equality in Azerbaijan, leading women discussed their role in the sustainable development of our country and their valuable contributions in this direction. International and local speakers and participants of panel discussions at the event exchanged views on the position of women in the economy of Azerbaijan and other countries, support mechanisms for their contributions that strengthen the interests of society against the background of new challenges in the region and the world.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, the deputy chairman of the board of PASHA Bank, Bahruz Naghiyev, said that the institution he represents pays great attention to the issue of gender equality in business.
"PASHA Bank, the leading corporate bank of Azerbaijan, attaches special importance to the professional knowledge and career advancement of women, as well as to the creation of equal work opportunities for women and men in entrepreneurial activity. As a participant of the UN Global Compact, we are successfully implementing a number of projects. "PASHA Bank's goal by bringing together female leaders within the framework of today's conference is to exchange ideas on new business opportunities aimed at women's entrepreneurship and sustainable development of our economy," said B. Naghiyev.
Source of the news:,1986/lang,az/