"Baku Medical Plaza" at the boarding house on June 1 - World Children's Day

On the occasion of June 1 World Children's Day, the management team and medical staff of "Baku Medical Plaza" Clinics chain visited boarding house for children with physical and mental disabilities No. 3 located in Shagan settlement.
Within the framework of the visit, pediatrician-neontologist Ilkana Tanrivardiyeva of "Baku Medical Plaza Center" branch and clinical-psychologist Vusala Amirova of "Medilux" branch carried out general examinations.
An on-site service was also provided to analyze the general analysis of more than 30 children.
Later, an entertaining program was organized for about 150 young residents of the boarding school with the participation of the "Baku Medical Plaza" collective.
The main goal of such Corporate Social Responsibility-oriented events is always to focus the public's attention on people in need of special care, to achieve expansion of the scope of support measures aimed at them.
It should be noted that "Baku Medical Plaza" has been operating since 2012. Currently, "Babak", "Markaz" and "Medilux" branches are distinguished by their impeccable service to citizens.
Source of the news: https://oxu.az/digar/baku-medical-plaza-1-iyun-usaqlarin-beynelxalq-mudafiesi-gununde-internat-evinde