An inclusive and creative event for children was held at Yelo Bank
An inclusive and creative event for children was held at Yelo Bank: the Bank has organized a special event to draw attention to children with autism and other differences and to support their development.
First, the children got acquainted with the working environment and staff at the bank's head office. In addition, guests were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their talents.
Then the children participated in English speaking club and watched a video presentation about the cultures of different countries. The event ended with the organization of various interactive games for socializing. Gifts were presented by the bank to the participating guests and partners.
It should be noted that this event was organized jointly with the “Uşaqlarımıza öyrədək” ("Teach Our Children") educational society and the "Umid Var" creative center.
Adhering to the strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility, Yelo Bank has previously focused on children with autism spectrum and other differences and signed various projects for them.
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