A regular meeting of the working group “Corporate Governance, Investments and CSR" was held

A regular meeting of the working group “Corporate Governance, Investments and CSR” was held under the leadership of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Commission on the Business Environment and International Ratings.
The meeting, organized online, was attended by representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministries of Economy, Justice, Ecology and Natural Resources, Energy, Digital Development and Transport, the Central Bank, the State Committee on Statistics. The event was attended by the State Oil Company, Azerbaijan Institute of Standardization, Agency for Development of Economic Zones, Innovation and Digital Representatives of the Development Agency, Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, as well as a number of public associations and consulting companies.
Head of the Secretariat of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Industry Management of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vusal Shikhaliyev and Head of the Working Group "Corporate Management, Investments and Corporate Social Responsibility", Chairman of the Board of Directors of SMBDA Orkhan Mammadov from Working Group 2023. They shared the opinion that they will contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan for the year and upcoming tasks, an objective assessment of our country, measures taken in corresponding rating reports.
At the meeting, a working group report was presented on the work done to implement the Action Plan for 2023 and a discussion was held on new tasks in this area. Moreover, information was provided on activities in the framework of the Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards subgroup created within the working group.
The Action Plan of the working group "Corporate Governance, Investments and Corporate Social Responsibility" for 2023 includes 48 measures related to the assessment of 3 important ratings, namely the Report on Global Competitiveness, the Index of Economic Freedom and the Global Innovation Rating. 11 state institutions and organizations participate in the implementation of measures.
Source of the news: https://azranking.az/en/article/korporativ-idareetme-investisiyalar-ve-korporativ-sosial-mesuliyyet-isci-qrupunun-novbeti-iclasi-kecirilib