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To attention of young people with business ideas!

To attention of young people with business ideas!

Within the framework of the joint cooperation of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBIA) and the Information Valley Baku, applications for the "Young Startup" entrepreneurship training are announced.

Young people in the age of 18-30 who want to realize their own idea and create a startup can participate in the training.

Trainings will be conducted in two stages, online and offline format. During the online stage "What is entrepreneurship", "From idea to business plan", "Team building", "Management and leadership", "Methods of attracting investment", etc. topics will be taught. In the offline phase, lessons on the application of theoretical knowledge in a real environment will be held for young people who have participated in online training.

The trainings, which will last three weeks in total, will be carried out by the mentor of the Incubation Center of the Information Valley of Turkey.

Young people who want to participate in the training can apply by registering on the link until 18:00 on February 23, 2024.

Participants who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate.

For additional information:

It should be noted that the trainings are held within the framework of the Protocol of Intent on cooperation signed last year between KOBIA and Information Valley Baku.


Source of the news:


P.S. Do you have a cool CSR idea and/or looking for a sponsor? Please fill the form on Opportunities page or discuss it via forum


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