#GələcəkdəSƏN project for the children of the oil sector workers has started at Code Academy!
Azerbaijani and Turkish youth studying in Turkey came together and started a new #GələcəkdəSƏN project.
Thus, this phase of the project is aimed to contribute to the future education and career path of children of the oil sector workers.
For this purpose, young people who met with Code Academy, an innovative and leading educational institution of our country, with the social project proposal, will teach IT and mathematics based on a two-week bootcamp model for the children of families working in the oil sector with the participation and organizational support of the Academy, and then their they will carry out mentoring activities that will shed light on their future career path.
Source of the news: https://marja.az/106958/code-academy-de-neft-iscilerinin-ovladlari-ucun-gelecekdesen-layihesi-basladi
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