Employees of "Agro-Vest DC" LLC visited the families of martyrs in connection with Nowruz holiday

Nowruz is not only the revival of nature, but also our national holiday based on helping people.
"Agro-Vest DC" LLC gave parcels of daily food products of "Slavyanskoye" and other brands to the families of martyrs living in Baku on the occasion of Nowruz holiday.
Employees of the company went to the addresses of the family members of the martyrs of the Second Karabakh war, gave them holiday gifts and congratulated them.
The employees noted that the company's management paid attention and care to the families of the martyrs. It was stated that it is the sacred duty of each of us to keep in mind the family members of our martyrs who died for the homeland.
"Agro-Vest DC" LLC wishes God's mercy to our martyrs. They wish patience and good health to their family members and congratulates them on Nowruz!
Source of the news: https://news.milli.az/society/1191264.html