"ASAN service" has launched the "New Breath" ecological-social project

"ASAN service" together with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources implements an ecological and social project called "New Breath".
According to the information provided by the Public Relations Department of the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the project is dedicated to the International Children's Day within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year".
According to the project implemented with the support of "Yashil ASAN", parents who benefit from the birth registration service at Baku "ASAN service" center No. 7 will be offered to plant a tree in the name of their newborn baby free of charge. Parents will also be presented with a "Green Future" certificate. It is possible to download the certificate online through a special QR code placed on it.
In accordance with the project aimed at increasing attention to environmental protection and environmental education, 1000 trees are planned to be planted in Mushfiqabad settlement of Baku at the initial stage.
Source of the news: https://azertag.az/xeber/asan_xidmet_yeni_nefes_ekoloji_sosial_layiheye_start_verib-3033774